SWARLIPI - The Fusion Band
SWARLIPI - The Fusion Band, with information about their name, genre, songs and concert with biography.
The name "Swarlipi" was introduced by our vocalist Amit Baunthiyal.
Nikhil Kr. Roshan is the founder of the band and introducing his band with semi-classical fusion genre to the world since 2013.
"Swarlipi" is a Hindi term for the word "Script of Musical Notes".
Swarlipi is a semi-classical Indian fusion band based in New Delhi. We create songs based on different Raagas. Also, we play unplugged and fused versions of today's popular Hindi songs.
Our members are highly skilled in their fields. Each one of us have been performing in our fields since years. This is the first time we have collaborated to make a fusion band. We hope to spread the power of fusion in the world.
Amit Baunthiyal is the lead vocalist of the band, Clint plays drum, Kamal Parihar plays Tabla and Percussions and Nikhil Kr. Roshan plays the keyboard in the band.
We are working on some of the melodious bandishes of raagas and will soon be out in the surrounding.
Nikhil Kr. roshan
SWARLIPI - The Fusion Band
Facebook: www.facebook.com/swarlipithefusionband
E-mail: swarlipiband@gmail.com
Mobile: 09654959405
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